Join us at GOMACTech 2024! Our security experts will be presenting in two sessions: Cryptographic Assurance of a Microelectronic Supply Chain and State-of-the-Art Commercial Anti-Counterfeiting. See below for session date and times.
Cryptographic Assurance of a Microelectronic Supply Chain
When: Thursday, March 21, 1:30 – 3:10 PM in Ballroom C1-3
Session 40: Trusted, Assured and Cyber-secure Microelectronics – Protected Methods and Assessments
Slot 40.1
State-of-the-Art Commercial Anti-Counterfeiting
When: Thursday March, 21, 10:30 – 12:00 PM in Ballroom A
Poster Session: Trusted, Assured, and Cyber-Secure Microelectronics Posters
If you would like to schedule a meeting at the show, send us a contact request here and we’ll get back to you.
To learn more GOMACTech and register, follow the link here:
About GOMACTech
GOMACTech was established primarily to review developments in microcircuit applications for government systems. Established in 1968, the conference has focused on advances in systems being developed by the Department of Defense and other government agencies and has been used to announce major government microelectronics initiatives such as VHSIC and MIMIC, and provides a forum for government reviews.