From the first time I attended an MLOVE ConFestival in 2010, through each subsequent event, I have been continually impressed with the quality of individuals that attend, the companies those individuals represent and the innovations they create. As a group, MLOVE attendees are passionate about invention and inventing “things.” They continuously question the techniques of today and challenge the methods of tomorrow. Collectively they combine the creativity, drive, and expertise of both entrepreneurial start-ups and established market leaders in a dynamic, yet intimate, environment.
Especially interesting to me at the most recent MLOVE in Monterey, California, was the notable shift in the definition and construct of “mobile” or “mobility.” It became clear during the Monterey ConFestival that “mobile” no longer means just the smartphone with all its consolidated computing power and cloud services. Instead, “mobile” is experiencing a shift and moving towards encompassing (really everything) within the essence of sensors in space and, of course, the Internet of Things.
I was pleased to kick off the first day of the MLOVE sessions with a keynote given with my friend and colleague, Dr. Martin Scott, the Rambus CTO. In keeping with the eclectic and energetic mindset of MLOVE and the spirit of invention, my conversation with Martin expanded on the theme of “invention as a canvas” with the Internet of Things extending from microelectronics, semiconductors and devices, through the cloud and the ecosystem. It broadened to making things work in concert, ultimately delivering the services, benefits and experiences derived collectively therefrom.
As I have found in each of the MLOVE ConFestivals I’ve participated in, the collective genius is fantastic and makes MLOVE an incredibly relevant and important event for Rambus to support. We look forward to our continued intimate collaboration with the MLOVE community, as we believe we have much to learn from and give to this collective brilliance of thought leaders and innovators, all centered on the single concept of mobility as a catalyst for change and opportunity.
In short, the Internet of Things is a canvas of invention that might be primed, but the painting is far from complete.
To learn more about MLOVE visit
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