Buying and selling used to be simple. Long before money, we got the things we needed by trading items of equal value. We trusted the value, because we could see the physical object we were getting. Then we evolved to coins and cash, and the world became a global marketplace with greater complexity. But fundamentally, exchange was still based on physical items. Then came credit cards, and money went digital. We traded cash-filled wallets and counting out change, for a piece of plastic and a quick swipe at check out. But with that, we lost the security of cash actually changing hands. And today, our cards can even be virtual. We are headed to a future of effortless commerce. Consumers will need assurance that their personal information will stay safe; stores and financial institutions, each communicating with different platforms and users around the world, will need a secure and easy way to connect to virtual payments. Rambus sees a future of secure and ultra simple payment. Where consumers have an uninterrupted physical-to-digital experience built on an economy of digital trust…all contained in a single unified platform.
See how Rambus Security is bringing simplicity and trust back to mobile payments here.