Found 207 Results

Side-channel attacks target Mr. Robot

This past summer, Engadget’s Violet Blue compiled a list of the top Mr. Robot hacks. These include deanonymizing Tor traffic, the installation of an Android rootkit, compromising an HVAC system using a Raspberry Pi, Bluetooth and text message spoofing, as well as the deployment of a keystroke-injection attack tool.

Side-channel attacks target Mr. Robot

This past summer, Engadget’s Violet Blue compiled a list of the top Mr. Robot hacks. These include deanonymizing Tor traffic, the installation of an Android rootkit, compromising an HVAC system using a Raspberry Pi, Bluetooth and text message spoofing, as well as the deployment of a keystroke-injection attack tool. Episode 5, “3xpl0its.wmv,” which aired on […]

Paul Kocher to moderate RSA Cryptographers’ panel

Paul Kocher, the President and Chief Scientist of Rambus’ Cryptography Research division, will be moderating the RSA 2016 Cryptographers’ Panel on March 1st at 9:50AM. Participants, including Adi Shamir, Moxie Marlinspike, Ronald Rivest and Whitfield Diffie, are slated to discuss the latest advances and revelations in cryptography, as well as the top security trends of […]

Building silicon foundations for security

Paul Kocher, the chief scientist of Rambus’ Cryptography Research division, recently presented a DesignCon 2016 keynote session that explored the crowded intersection of hardware, Moore’s Law and cryptography. As Kocher notes, cryptographic limits have historically been constrained by a salient lack of computing power. “[Following Moore’s Law], more computing power enables much stronger algorithms,” he […]

Securing intelligent transportation systems

Earlier this week, Team Lightbulb hosted its annual Broadband Conference at CES 2016. A number of topics were discussed at various panels throughout the day, including the steady evolution of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Jill Ingrassia, the Managing Director of Government Relations and Traffic Safety Advocacy at AAA, told conference attendees the auto industry has […]

No quick fix for automotive insecurity

Did you know that the automotive industry is still “ill equipped” to protect connected vehicles from hackers due to lagging security standards? Indeed, industry leaders have only begun to seriously explore more effective methods of securing a new wave of smart, semi autonomous vehicles. “Modern vehicles are essentially a network of networks – equipped with […]

Rambus and Riverside Research to co-host security workshop

Rambus’ Cryptography Research division and Riverside Research will be co-hosting a two-day workshop on identifying and preventing advanced security threats. The workshop – scheduled for November 18-19, 2015 – is targeted at hardware and software security developers with a focus on defense and government industries. More specifically, technologists designing and testing tamper resistant systems for […]

Extracting crypto keys from the Cloud

A Worcester Polytechnic Institute research team has confirmed that it managed to successfully extract cryptographic keys from the Cloud. According to a recently published paper, the team built upon previous work by Ristenpart, who demonstrated the viability of co-location and provided the first concrete evidence of sensitive information leakage on a commercial cloud. “We show […]

Education & Training

Education & Training Contact Us Our security experts provide technical tutorials, hands-on workshops, and training seminars with facilitated discussion. Clients use our training to understand security-critical challenges and help project teams transition to new security problems. Training sessions are typically two working days and hosted in various worldwide locations, including our San Francisco office. To […]

Evolving differential power analysis targets SIM cards

Ernest Worthman of Semiconductor Engineering recently noted that differential power analysis (DPA) has been a threat vector on the chip landscape for a number of years. “[DPA] was discovered around the mid 1990s by the teams at Rambus’ Cryptography Research Division,” he explained. “It turned out to be a very effective tool for compromising the […]

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