Found 369 Results

RT-66x Programmable Root of Trust

RT-66x Programmable Root of Trust Family With DPA, and FIA and Quantum Safe Cryptography Contact Us The Rambus RT-66x Root of Trust IP are fully programmable, FIPS 140-3 compliant (or certified for the RT-660F) hardware security anti-tamper cores offering security by design for data center and other highly-secure applications. The RT-660 protects against a wide […]

RT-63x Programmable Root of Trust Family

RT-63x Programmable Root of Trust Family With Quantum Safe Cryptography Contact Us The Rambus RT-63x Root of Trust IP are fully programmable FIPS 140-3 compliant hardware security cores with optional Quantum Safe security by design for data center, AI/ML, as well as general purpose semiconductor applications. They protect against a wide range of hardware and […]

Rambus Expands Industry-Leading Security IP Portfolio with Arm CryptoCell and CryptoIsland IP

For over three decades, Rambus has been providing industry-leading Secure Silicon IP solutions to protect Data-at-Rest, Data-in-Use, and Data-in-Motion. Today, Rambus is excited to announce it will be offering the Arm® CryptoCell™ and CryptoIsland™ security IP portfolio. Going forward, semiconductor design teams will now be able to license this IP directly from Rambus. The Rambus […]

Rambus IP Solution Supports New NIST Lightweight Cryptography Algorithm

This month, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced the selection of a new family of cryptographic algorithms called ASCON, which have been developed for lightweight cryptography applications. Always ready to support our customers with the latest security standards, Rambus is pleased to announce the availability of the ASCON-IP-41 Crypto Engine IP core. […]

SafeZone Basic Crypto Module, non-FIPS certified version

Rambus Security Vulnerability Disclosure:  SafeZone Basic Crypto Module, non-FIPS certified version Publish Date: March 1, 2022  Rambus Vulnerability ID: RMBS-2021-01 CVE ID: 2022-26320 Background The SafeZone Crypto Libraries were developed by Inside Secure and were acquired by Rambus as part of an acquisition from Verimatrix. There were both FIPS-certified and non-FIPS-certified versions of the SafeZone crypto […]


Certifications Rambus offers certified silicon IP solutions tailored to the specific needs of some of the world’s most demanding applications. Contact Common Criteria The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, known as Common Criteria or CC, is an international standard (ISO/IEC 15408) for computer security. Common Criteria provides an objective evaluation that validates whether […]

Security Solutions for a World of IoT Devices

With the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) getting more and more pervasive, an increasing number of connected things around us collect, handle and control sensitive data. The hacking of IoT devices can affect privacy, cause a loss of physical and information security, and impact availability of services. Connected devices significantly increase the attack surface of systems […]

Rambus Design Summit Interview Series: Ann Keffer

We’re so excited that Ann Keffer, Product Marketing Manager at Siemens EDA, will be joining us on the (virtual) stage at Rambus Design Summit! Ahead of the show, we talked to Ann about autonomous driving, what she loves to do in her free time, and growth drivers for the Siemens EDA business. Read on for […]

What is OTA in automotive? Over the air updates explained.

Over-the-air (OTA) programming refers to the ability to download applications, services, and configurations over a mobile or cellular network. Over-the-air (OTA) programming is used to automatically update firmware, software, and even encryption keys. Specific OTA categories include:  Software over-the-air (SOTA)  Firmware-over-the-air (FOTA)  Over-the-air service provisioning (OTASP)  Over-the-air provisioning (OTAP)  Over-the-air parameter administration (OTAPA)  Here are […]

Rambus Accelerates Automotive SoC Design with ASIL-B Certified Embedded Hardware Security Module

Highlights:  Rambus RT-640 Embedded Hardware Security Module (HSM) provides automotive chip and device makers state-of-the-art digital protection that meets the functional safety standards of ISO 26262 ASIL-B Industry-standard certified solution accelerates the process of achieving functional safety for automotive SoCs Rambus expands industry-leading security IP portfolio that spans applications from consumer IoT to mission-critical defense […]

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