With U.S. EMV migration activity in full swing and discussion around NFC building, Bell ID is working to support the market with its extensive experience in assisting players around the world implement EMV and NFC projects. To this end, the Bell ID team has been attending numerous events – including SCA Payments Summit, CARTES North America and the NFC Solutions Summit – across the United States, offering advice and support to help bring clarity to the players involved in implementing this new secure-chip ecosystem.
U.S. EMV Deadlines
From my time in the US recently, I recognized a general feeling that, with the EMV migration deadlines getting ever closer in the US, key players are now actively working to bring EMV services to market. There is no delusion at the amount of work that stills needs to be done, but many market participants see the opportunities for the future.
NFC Beyond Payments
For example, one of the most interesting discussions took place at the NFC Solutions Summit, where talk turned to NFC beyond payments. It is our belief that it is these services – loyalty, vouchering and ticketing, for example – that will be the real driver for NFC adoption in the US and around the world. It is therefore great to see agenda time dedicated to this topic at one of the key events of the year.
In addition to our participation in the ACI Exchange User Groups Payments Conference this week and Money20/20 in October, Bell ID will continue to commit resources to the EMV Migration Forum. This cross-industry forum is working to support an efficient and successful U.S. EMV migration and has made a significant contribution to the market in terms of education and in bringing the key players together in a neutral setting. We are delighted to be at the forefront of the discussions in this area.
If you are interested to learn more about U.S. EMV migration or issuing EMV and NFC on a single platform, watch this video or contact us to find out more.